This page provides information about the types of documents that can be used to support your coursework scholarship application.
If you are experiencing circumstances that impact your ability to study, you must include evidence with your scholarship application. Claims will not be assessed without supporting evidence.
Please ensure the evidence you provide is relevant to your claim, specific in detail and current. Documents uploaded from previous application periods will not be considered.
Providing false or misleading information is a criminal offence and the penalties can be severe. Applications including false or misleading information will be made ineligible.
When submitting supporting evidence, please ensure you redact personal information such as your drivers license number, Customer Reference Number (CRN), Tax File Number (TFN) and bank account details. Provided that the document is in date and your full name and address are visible, we do not require the additional personal information usually evident within these types of documentation.
'Redact' means to cross out or hide part of a text for security purposes. A full list of information to include and what should be redacted can be found below.
If the evidence you can provide is not listed, please contact to discuss.
If you receive income support from Centrelink or the Department of Veteran Affairs, you will need to provide a copy of an income statement dated within the last three months.
The statement should include:
The following information should be redacted from the statement:
Eligible benefits include:
Please note that Family Tax Benefits A and B, JobKeeper and Carer Allowance are not considered eligible within this category. If you receive one of these income supports, you will also need to include your Notice of Assessment for the previous financial year or copies of your last three payslips from all current employers.
If you receive a Parenting Payment, a copy of your current low-income health care card is preferred. If your most recent income statement clearly shows that you receive the maximum payment rate, you can also provide this evidence.
If your statement does not show that you receive the maximum rate for Parenting Payment and you do not have a current low-income health care card, you will also need to include your Notice of Assessment for the previous financial year or copies of your last three payslips from all current employers.
To ensure you are providing appropriate evidence of your Centrelink income support payments, please view our examples of eligible (PDF, 177KB) and ineligible (PDF, 302KB) evidence.
If you have an Australian Government means tested* low-income health care card, you will need to provide a copy of the front of the card.
Eligible cards are:
The card should include:
The following information should be redacted from the card:
To ensure you are providing appropriate evidence of your card, please view our examples of eligible (PDF, 211KB) and ineligible (PDF, 236KB) evidence.
*Ex-Carer Allowance Health Care Cards (EH/EHC) and Foster Child Health Care Cards (FO) are ineligible as they are not means/income tested.
If your household (including any others that financially support you that you may not live with) has a combined annual income of $90,000 or less and you do not receive any eligible Centrelink benefits, you can still provide evidence that you are experiencing financial hardship. Please visit the Department of Human Services income test if you have dependent children, as this may increase the allowed combined income.
You must:
Notice of assessments and payslips should include:
The following information should be redacted:
These documents should be collated into a single document either in a ZIP file, within a Word document, or as a single PDF.
Income ready statements and PAYG (pay as you go) summaries will not be accepted as evidence.
In exceptional circumstances (sale of a family business; death of a parent; etc.), parts of this evidence may not be accessible to you during the application period. If this is the case, we may accept a statutory declaration. Please contact the Coursework Scholarships Office prior to submission for advice.
To ensure you are providing appropriate evidence of your financial hardship, please view our examples of eligible (PDF, 258KB) and ineligible (PDF, 183KB) evidence.
If you have an annual income of $51,000 or less and you do not receive any eligible Centrelink benefits, you can still provide evidence that you are experiencing financial hardship. Please visit the Department of Human Services income test if you have dependent children, as this may increase the allowed income.
You must:
Notice of assessments and payslips should include:
The following information should be redacted:
These documents should be collated into a single document either in a ZIP file, within a Word document, or as a single PDF.
Income ready statements and PAYG (pay as you go) summaries will not be accepted as evidence.
To ensure you are providing appropriate evidence of your financial hardship, please view our examples of eligible (PDF, 258KB) and ineligible (PDF, 182KB) evidence.
If you are moving or have moved from interstate or rural/regional Victoria to study at RMIT, the following documents can be used as evidence:
I will be moving from a rural/regional/interstate location to study at RMIT
I have moved within the past 4 years from a rural/regional/interstate location to study at RMIT
Proof of address should include:
The following information should be redacted:
If you have a disability, long-term medical condition, or identify as neurodivergent and it impacts your ability to study, you can make a claim of medical hardship in your scholarship application. The following documents can be used as evidence:
Evidence such as prescriptions, hospital admission forms or letters from non-health care providers do not provide sufficient context to assess the likely impact on your education, so will not be accepted.
Medical evidence should include:
The following information should be redacted:
The following documents can be used as evidence:
An ImmiCard is not able to be accepted as evidence for this category.
Refugee evidence should include:
The following information should be redacted:
To ensure you are providing appropriate evidence as a current or former refugee, please view our examples of eligible (PDF, 258KB) and ineligible (PDF, 182KB) evidence.
If you are experiencing personal/family/social difficulties that impact your ability to study and you wish for it to be considered as part of your scholarship application, the following documents can be used as evidence:
In order to be considered, the supporting statement must:
It is preferred that the supporting statement is written on official letterhead and uploaded as a PDF or you can request they complete our Statement of Support.
While we prefer supporting documents to be no more than three months old, we understand that some life events have long-ranging consequences. For example, a student who has been a victim of a crime may submit a police report from a number of years ago. This evidence would of course be accepted.
If you are unsure about what circumstances or time-frame might be considered within this category, please contact the Coursework Scholarships Office.
See Indigenous eligibility for more information.
The following documents can be used as evidence:
Evidence must:
If you are unable to provide this documentation, please contact the Coursework Scholarships Office for alternative options.
If you must study part-time (rather than choosing to because of work commitments, credit exemptions or preference), you can provide current evidence (dated within the last three months) to support reasons why you are unable to study full-time, i.e., a copy of a detailed letter from your health care provider or evidence of Centrelink Carer or dependent payments.
If you are unsure about what circumstances might be considered within this category, please contact the Coursework Scholarships Office.
Contact the Coursework Scholarships Office.
Acknowledgement of Country
RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.